
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Bolliet, Boris


R.A. Battye, J.A. Pearson

Talk Title

The Equations of State For Perturbations in f(R) Theories of Gravity


"The discovery of apparent cosmological acceleration has spawned a huge number of dark energy and modified gravity theories. Three approaches have been developed by the community: Effective Field Theory for dark energy,Parametrized Post Friedmann, and Equation of State for perturbations. Respectively, these correspond to parameterizations at the level of the perturbed action, perturbed gravitational Field equations, and the perturbed dark energy fluid equations. One of the most popular modified gravity theories is the f(R) class of models. In this talk I will present the expressions for the equations of state for perturbations which completely characterize the linearized perturbations in f(R) gravity, including the scalar, vector, and tensor modes."

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