
DE1 - Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe


Pino, Miguel


Ashok Das, Jorge Gamboa, Miguel Pino

Talk Title

Cosmological kinetic mixing.


It is shown how to generalize the kinetic mixing idea to a cosmological model in order to obtain new insights for dark energy. As a warm up example, two relativistic particles are made to interact through an appropriately chosen coupling term. It is shown that the system can be diagonalized by means of a nonlocal field redefinition, and, as a result of this procedure, the mass of one the particles gets rescaled. Inspired by the previous example, two cosmological models (each with its own scale factor) are made to interact in a similar fashion. The equations of motion are solved numerically in different scenarios (dust, radiation or a cosmological constant coupled to each sector of the system). When a cosmological constant term is present, kinetic mixing rescales it to a lower value which may be more amenable to observations.

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