
GB1 - Fast radio bursts: observations, ideas and prospects


Bailes, Matthew


Jameson, A.; Flynn, C. M.; Bateman, T.; Barr, E.; Bhandari, S.; Caleb, M; Keane, E.; Venkatraman Krishnan, V; Jankowski, F; Ravi, V; Briggs, F; Campbell-Wilson, D; Green, A. J; Hunstead, R. H.

Talk Title

Fast Radio Burst searches with the Molonglo UTMOST facility


We are currently re-engineering the 18,000 square metre Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope so that it can search for Fast Radio Bursts in an 8 square degree field of view 24 hours a day. The new receiver system digitizes 352 30 MHz bands centred at 843 MHz and combines them coherently to search for dispersed pulses of radio emission. The new receiver system (UTMOST) is already routinely detecting pulses from the Vela and PSR J1644-4559 pulsars, proving the efficacy of the system design. In late May 2015 the final upgrade to the computer system will be delivered allowing all 352 inputs to be processed. Simulations predict that the UTMOST should be a prolific discoverer of FRBs, and the interferometric nature of the system allows it to discriminate between a man-made and celestial origin for events, unlike single-dish systems. Analysis of early data shows that the interferometer makes radio frequency interference excision extremely effective, even in the presence of mobile phone transmissions that share the observing band. The UTMOST can "piggy-back" on other observations, such as pulsar timing and map making.

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