
GB1 - Fast radio bursts: observations, ideas and prospects


Rajwade, Kaustubh


Chennamangalam, Jayanth; Lorimer, Duncan; Karastergiou, Aris; Werthimer, Dan; Siemion, Andrew; MacMahon, Dave; Cobb, Jeff; Armour, Wes

Talk Title

Commissioning of ALFABURST: Initial Tests and Results


Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are apparently one-time, relatively bright radio pulses that have been observed in recent years. FRBs are believed to be extragalactic in origin due to their anomalously high Dispersion Measures (DMs). Many instruments are being built to detect more of these bursts to characterize their physical properties. ALFABURST is one such instrument, using the 7-beam ALFA receiver on the 305-m Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico, USA to detect FRBs in real time at L-band (1.4 GHz). We present the results of the tests undertaken during the commissioning phase of the instrument. We also present the results of recent commensal observations done using the instrument. We were able to blindly detect pulses from known pulsars at the correct DM. ALFABURST will shortly be available for commensal observing with other ALFA projects.

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