
GB1 - Fast radio bursts: observations, ideas and prospects


Chennamangalam, Jayanth


Chennamangalam, Jayanth; Karastergiou, Aris; MacMahon, David; Armour, Wes; Cobb, Jeff; Lorimer, Duncan; Rajwade, Kaustubh; Siemion, Andrew; Werthimer, Dan; Williams, Christopher

Talk Title

ALFABURST: A Realtime Fast Radio Burst Monitor for the Arecibo Telescope


Fast radio bursts (FRBs) constitute an emerging class of fast radio transient whose origin continues to be a mystery. Realizing the importance of increasing coverage of the search parameter space, we have designed, built, and deployed a realtime monitor for FRBs at the 305-m Arecibo radio telescope. Named 'ALFABURST', it is a commensal instrument that is triggered whenever the 1.4 GHz 7-beam Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA) receiver commences operation. The ongoing commensal survey we are conducting using ALFABURST has an instantaneous sky coverage of 0.02 sq. deg., with the realtime software configurable to use up to 300 MHz of bandwidth. We search for FRBs with dispersion measures up to 1280 cm^-3 pc and pulse widths ranging from 0.128 ms to 16.384 ms. Commissioning observations performed over the past few months have demonstrated the capability of the instrument in detecting single pulses from known pulsars. In this talk, I describe the instrument and the associated survey.

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