
AT2 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Narbona, Daniela


Salgado, Sabastián; Medina, Perla; Izaurieta, Fernando; Cordonier, Fabrizio

Talk Title

Non-minimal Scalar Couplings and Torsion


In standard Einstein--Cartan Gravity, only fermions can be source of torsion. In particular, minimally coupled scalar fields are source of riemmanian curvature through Einstein field equations, but are unable to generate torsion since its spin tensor vanishes. However, recently it has been shown that a non-minimally coupled scalar field and the Euler invariant generate non-vanishing torsion [1]. In this work, the general non-minimal couplings of scalar fields and curvature in the Horndeski lagrangian are considered, and its effects on torsion are studied. References [1] Toloza-2013}A. Toloza, J. Zanelli, Cosmology with scalar--Euler form coupling, Class.Quant.Grav. \textbf{30} (2013) 135003, arXiv:1301.0821

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