
AT2 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Cordonier-Tello, Fabrizio


Salgado, Sebastián; Narbona, Daniela; Medina, Perla; Izaurieta, Fernando

Talk Title

Randall-Sundrum spacetime as a Chern-Simons theory vacuum


We present a D=5 Weyl algebra-invariant Chern-Simons (CS) theory whose vacuum solution features the 5-D Randall-Sundrum (RS) vielbein and allows a 4D General Relativity-like dynamics. The CS theory builds up from the Weyl algebra of the conformal algebra SO(5,2) and from a connection which contemplates Lorentz boosts, Z-boosts and dilations. The flat solution contemplates a trivial Lorentz curvature and the RS vielbein, whose components reproduce the RS metric. In the non-perturbative regime, the solution leads to a four-dimensional "cosmological function" Λ(x) which depends on the Euler density of the brane. As it is, this toy model leads to interesting accelerated cosmologies, but it also produces unphysical consequences. We argue that a supersymmetric extension of the theory, where the gravitini play the role of four-dimensional dark matter on the brane, may eliminate the unphysical behavior while keeping the other desired properties of the solution intact.

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