
AT2 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Salgado, Sebastian


Izaurieta, Fernando; Salgado, Sebastian

Talk Title

Four Dimensional Topological Supergravity from Transgression Field Theory


We consider the construction of a transgression field theory invariant under the Poincare supergroup SP5. The transgression action is constructed from the lagrangian for five dimensional Chern--Simons supergravity through the introduction of two 1-forms gauge connections valuated in the associated Lie superalgebra. These conections are associated to linear and nonlinear realizations of the Poincaré supergroup. From a dimensional reduction of the transgression field theory we get a four dimensional gauged Wess--Zumino--Witten model whose fields are the original gauge fields of the Chern--Simons theory plus the set of tensorial and spinorials functions relating the gauge conections corresponding to the parameterized coordinates of the coset space SP5/SO(1,4) in the adjoint representation. The resulting action and its equations of motion are studied

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