
AT2 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Kanatchikov, Igor


Talk Title

Precanonical quantum cosmology and cosmological spin-connection field


We will outline precanonical quantization of vielbein gravity [1] based on the De Donder-Weyl version of the Hamiltonian formalism [2] and apply it to simple cosmological models. One of the outcomes is that precanonical quantization of gravity predicts a non-Gaussian distribution of random cosmological spin-connection field of quantum origin whose interaction with matter may have potentially observable imprints on the large scale distribution of matter in the universe. References. [1] I.V. Kanatchikov, On precanonical quantization of gravity, arXiv:1407.3101 [2] I.V. Kanatchikov, De Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian formulation and precanonical quantization of vielbein gravity, arXiv:1302.2610

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