
AT2 - Extended Theories of Gravity and Quantum Cosmology


Jaime, Luisa


Talk Title

Diagnostic of f(R) under the Om(z) function


We perform the two−point diagnostic for the Om(z) function proposed by Sahni etal in 2014 for the Starobinsky and Hu & Sawicki models in f(R) gravity. We show that the observed values of the Omh2 function can be explained in f(R) models while in LCDM the Omh2 funticon is expected to be a redshift independent number. We perform the analysis for some particular values of Ω0m founding a cumulative probability (P(χ2≤χ2model)) P∼0.16 or ∼0.09 for the better cases versus a cumulative probability of P∼0.98 in the ΛCDM scenario.

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