
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Bambi, Cosimo


Bambi, Cosimo

Talk Title

Testing the Kerr paradigm with X-ray observations


Astrophysical black hole candidates are thought to be the Kerr black holes predicted in general relativity, but the actual nature of these objects has still to be verified. The study of the properties of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the gas in the accretion disk can potentially test the geometry of the space-time around these bodies and confirm the Kerr black hole paradigm. In this talk, I will focus on the study of the thermal spectrum of thin disks and on the analysis of the iron K-alpha line. Both the techniques can already be used to provide some constraints on possible deviations from the Kerr solution, but more interesting tests require new X-ray facilities with a larger effective area.

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