
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Dempsey, David


Dolan, Sam R.

Talk Title

Bound states of the Dirac equation on Kerr spacetime


In this talk I discuss recent work on the Dirac equation for a massive neutral particle with spin on a rotating black hole spacetime. We consider its (quasi)bound states: gravitationally-trapped modes which are regular across the (future) event horizon. It is shown that bound states decay with time, due to the absence of superradiance in the (single-particle) Dirac field. I will introduce a practical method for computing the spectrum of energy levels and decay rates, and compare our numerical results with known asymptotic results in the small-$M \mu$ and large-$M \mu$ regimes. Further results will show that the decay rate of low-frequency co-rotating modes is suppressed in the (bosonic) superradiant regime.

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