
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Rosa, Joao


Rosa, Joao G.

Talk Title

"Superradiance in pulsar-black hole binaries"


Superradiant wave scattering is one of the most interesting features of black hole space-times in general relativity and could potentially provide an important tool for testing this theory and its alternatives. In this work, I analyze the conditions under which a generic plane wave is amplified upon scattering off a rotating black hole. I then consider the case of magnetic dipole and gravitational quadrupole radiation emitted by a rotating neutron star orbiting a Kerr black hole. I show, in particular, that these two forms of radiation may have a sufficiently low frequency to undergo superradiant scattering and that, for a co-rotating binary, amplification may occur when the pulsar's orbit is sufficiently inclined with respect to the black hole's equatorial plane. This leads, in addition, to a modulation of the pulsar's luminosity that may potentially be used to test the occurrence of superradiance scattering, yielding the first example of an astrophysical system where this important effect may be probed observationally.

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