
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Novaes, Fábio


Novaes, Fábio; Carneiro da Cunha, Bruno

Talk Title

Isomonodromic Approach to Scattering by Black Holes


We obtain exact scattering coefficients of linear field perturbations around black holes from monodromy data of the associated radial wave equation. We apply the method to Kerr-NUT-(A)dS black holes, whose wave equation is always separable, and apply the isomonodromic approach recently described in JHEP 07 (2014) 132. The non-trivial monodromy is obtained by numerical integration of the Painlevé VI function. We also obtain an approximate analytical expression for the near-extremal case. Finally, we discuss how our expression can be used in the calculation of superradiance and quasinormal modes and the extension to higher-dimensions.

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