
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Brito, Richard


Cardoso, Vitor; Pani, Paolo

Talk Title

Black holes as particle detectors


Superradiance is a very generic process involving dissipative systems, whereby energy is transferred from one medium to another, typically stimulated by wave scattering. Various mechanisms (as diverse as massive fields, magnetic fields, anti-de Sitter boundaries, nonlinear interactions, etc...) can confine the amplified radiation and give rise to strong instabilities. Superradiant instabilities of spinning black holes have been used to impose strong constraints on ultralight bosons, thus turning black holes into effective particle detectors. However, very little is known about the development of the instability and whether its nonlinear time evolution accords to the linear intuition. In this talk I will describe the most recent developments on this subject, by studying the impact of gravitational-wave emission and gas accretion on the evolution of the instability. I will show that, under very conservative assumptions, these studies provide strong support to the validity of the linearized analysis.

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