
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Arbañil, José


Malheiro, Manuel

Talk Title

Equilibrium and Stability of Charged Strange Quark Stars


We study the hydrostatic equilibrium and the stability against radial perturbation of charged strange quark stars composed by a charged perfect fluid. We consider that the perfect fluid follows the MIT bag model equation of state and the charge distribution follows a power-law of the radial coordinate. The hydrostatic equilibrium and the stability of charged strange stars are investigated through the numerical solutions of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation and the Chandrasekhar's equation pulsation. Both equations are modified from their original form to the inclusion of the electrical charge. We found that the total charge that affect appreciably the stellar structure are around $10^{20}[C]$. We also found that for a range parameters the electric charge helps to grow the stability of the objects under study. We show that the central energy density used to reach the maximum mass value is the same used to found the zero frequency of oscillation, this means the condition $dM/d\rho_c>0$ with a charge fixed is necessary and sufficient to recognize regions made of stable star against radial oscillations.

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