
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Herdeiro, Carlos


Radu, E.

Talk Title

Scalar hair around asymptotically flat black holes


There are many no-scalar-hair theorems and simultaneously various type of black hole solutions with scalar hair (and no gauge fields) in asymptotically flat spacetimes. I will make a brief overview of these solutions organized in classes of the assumption violated of a paradigmatic no-scalar-hair theorem. In particular I will discuss how violating the assumption that the scalar field and the geometry share the same symmetries, leads to a new family of hairy black holes -- Kerr black holes with scalar hair --, the connection between these solutions and the superradiant instability as well as some phenomenological properties. References: C. Herdeiro and E. Radu, Asymptotically flat black holes with scalar hair: a review, IJMPD Vol. 24, No. 9 (2015) 1542014, arXiv:1504.08209 [gr-qc] C.A.R.Herdeiro and E.Radu, Kerr black holes with scalar hair, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 221101, arXiv:1403.2757 [gr-qc]. C. Herdeiro and E. Radu, Construction and physical properties of Kerr black holes with scalar hair, To appear in CQG, arXiv:1501.04319 [gr-qc].

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