
BH4 - Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes


Palenzuela, Carlos


Liebling, Steve

Talk Title

New Constraints in Scalar-Tensor Theories from the most massive Neutron Star


Scalar-tensor theories of gravity are natural phenomenological alternatives to General Relativity, where the gravitational interaction is mediated by a scalar degree of freedom. Although these theories are severely constrained by both solar system experiments and binary-pulsar observations, there remains a large set of ST families which are still consistent with these observations. Recent work has suggested probing the unconstrained region of the parameter space of ST theories based on the stability properties of highly compact neutron stars. Here, we follow the dynamical evolution of very compact stars numerically and find that under certain conditions these stars are unstable, collapsing to black holes. Based on these results, we discuss the implications of the most recent bounds on the mass and radius of isolated neutron stars.

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