
ST4 - String Pheno & Cosmo


Mathews, Grant


Gangopadhyay, Mayukh, Ichiki, Kiyotomo, Kajino, Toshitaka

Talk Title

Evidence for Planck-Scale Particle Production during Inflation from the CMB power spectrum


The power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background from both the Planck}and WMAP data exhibits a slight dip in for multipoles in the range of l= 10-30. We show that such a dip could be the result of resonant creation of a massive particle that couples to the inflaton field. For our best-fit models, epochs of resonant particle creation reenters the horizon at wave numbers of k~ 0.00011 h/Mpc. The amplitude and location of these features correspond to the creation of a number of degenerate fermion species of mass >15 mpl during inflation depending upon he coupling constant between the inflaton field and the created fermion species. Although the evidence is marginal, if this interpretation is correct, this could an observational hint of new physics beyond the Planck scale.

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