
GW2 - Status of the Gravitational Wave Detectors


Frajuca, Carlos


Bortoli, Fabio da Silva, Magalhaes, Nadja Simão

Talk Title

Studying Schenberg noise spectral density using Finite Element Modelling


Schenberg is a detector of gravitational waves resonant mass type. The central frequency of operation is 3200 Hz. Transducers located on the surface of the resonating sphere according to a distribution half-dodecahedron are used to monitor a strain amplitude. The development of mechanical impedance matchers that act by increasing the coupling of the transducers with the sphere is a major challenge because of the high frequency and small in size. The objective of this work is to study the spectral density curve deformation noise obtained by finite element modeling (FEM), compared to the result of the simplified model for mass-spring type system modeling verifying if that is suitable for the determination of sensitivity detector, as the conclusion the both modeling give the same results.

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