
PT1 - Tests of gravity with atom interferometers and clocks


Cacciapuoti, Luigi


Cacciapuoti, Luigi

Talk Title

Fundamental Physics Tests with Atomic Clocks in Space


Atomic clocks and high-performance links are able to measure and distribute time and frequency to accuracy levels never reached before. When operated in a space-based laboratory, the large variations of the gravitational potential, the large velocities and velocity variations, as well as the worldwide access to ground-based clocks become key ingredients to measure tiny deformations in space-time that might bring the signature of new physics and new fundamental constituents. From the International Space Station (ISS), the Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) payload will distribute a clock signal with fractional frequency instability and inaccuracy of 1E-16. The comparison of distant clocks via ACES will be used to test Einstein’s theory of general relativity. This paper will present the recent progress of the ACES mission and discuss future perspectives for testing fundamental physics with clocks in space.

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