
PT1 - Tests of gravity with atom interferometers and clocks


Poli, Nicola


Poli, Nicola; Del Aguila, Ruben; Mazzoni, Tommaso; Salvi, Leonardo; Tino, Guglielmo M.; Zhang, Xian

Talk Title

Large-momentum-transfer Bragg interferometer with strontium atoms


We report on the first atom interferometer based on Bragg diffraction in a fountain of alkaline-earth atoms, namely Sr-88. We demonstrate large momentum transfer to the atoms up to eight photon recoils and the use of the interferometer as a gravimeter with a sensitivity 4e-8 at 2000 s integration time. Thanks to the special characteristics of strontium atoms for precision measurements, such as zero total spin in the ground state, narrow optical transitions, and low scattering cross section at ultra-low temperatures, this result opens the way to new experiments towards high precision test of fundamental physics theories.

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