
PT1 - Tests of gravity with atom interferometers and clocks


Hogan, Jason


Hogan, Jason M.; Kasevich, Mark A.

Talk Title

Atom Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detection Using Heterodyne Laser Links


Gravitational wave detection with atom interferometry offers a promising alternative to traditional optical interferometry. Advantages of this approach include phase multiplication through multiple pulse sequences, proof mass resilience, laser frequency noise immunity and quantum back-action noise immunity. We propose a scheme based on a heterodyne laser link that allows for long baseline gravitational wave detection using atom interferometry. Atomic physics techniques also make it possible to build a gravitational wave detector with a single linear baseline. In support of this proposal, recent progress in long baseline atom interferometry has enabled observation of matter wave interference with atomic wavepacket separations exceeding 10 cm and interferometer durations of more than 2 seconds. These results are obtained in a 10-meter drop tower incorporating large momentum transfer atom optics. This approach can provide ground-based proof-of-concept demonstrations of many of the technical requirements of both terrestrial and satellite gravitational wave detectors.

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