
ST1 - Branes and Instantons in String Theory


Bianchi, Massimo


Francisco Morales, Congkao Wen

Talk Title

The one-instanton effective action of N=4 SYM


Relying on unoriented open string constructions, we compute the exact one-instanton corrections to the ${\cal N}=4$ effective action in the Coulomb branch. We confirm at the non-pertiurbative level some known non-renormalization theorems. In particular we show that the $F_-^2 \,F_+^{2n}$ terms, that are expected to receive perturbative corrections only at $n$-loops, indeed do not receive one-instanton corrections. We also discuss $D^n F^4$ and other $F^n$ couplings, analyse one- and two-loop perturbative corrections thereof and argue that instantons correct all non MHV $F^n$ terms. Finally we comment on the $SL(2,Z)$ completion of our results and compare them with the recently proposed Highly Effective Action (HEA).

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