
ES2 - Theoretical Issues in GR


Melkumova, Elena


Galtsov, Dmitri; Spirin, Pavel

Talk Title

Domain walls: momentum conservation in absence of asymptotic states


In the linearized theory gravitational potentials of the domain walls are growing with distance, so their interaction with particles constitutes a peculiar scattering problem without asymptotic states. In non-relativisting case this is solved via introduction of the potential energy. We show, that in the relativistic case, treating gravity perturbatively in Minkowski space, one is able to introduce relativistic analog of the potential energy of the particle in the field of the domain wall, and respectively, of the domain wall in the gravitational field of the particle, treating them as interacting objects on equal footing. Subtracting the infinite momentum associated with the bare wall, one is able to extract finite parts of the interaction momenta and to present the full momentum as a sum of kinetic and potential terms. The total momentum defined in this way is conserved up to an extra flux due to an infinite extension of the wall.

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