
ES2 - Theoretical Issues in GR


Sampaio, Marco


Coelho, Flávio S.; Herdeiro, Carlos

Talk Title

Exact results in gravitational shock wave collisions in D-dimensions


I discuss the construction of the metric describing a (head on) collision of two gravitational shock waves in D-dimensions, which yields the production of a black hole. Despite using a perturbative technique, first proposed and studied by D'Eath and Payne in four dimensions, we unveil exact results for all D -- JHEP 1412 (2014) 119 -- some of which are valid to all orders in perturbation theory. We show that the angular dependence of the radiated power is fully determined (and factorizes) to all orders in perturbation theory, a result which was suggested by low order studies in 4D in the 90s, but which had not been proved. This also establishes an exact correspondence between the order of the perturbative expansion and of the angular expansion around the axis of symmetry. We show that such results are a consequence of a conformal symmetry combined with the flat space asymptotics at null infinity. Finally we construct a Penrose-Carter diagram for this setup (which sets the stage for the evaluation of the solution at higher orders), and comment on analytic results which suggest the possibility of a general structure beyond the leading order.

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