
QF2 - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime


Nosari, Gabriele


Dappiaggi, Claudio; Pinamonti, Nicola

Talk Title

Towards Algebraic Quantum Field Theory on Spacetimes with Boundaries


The algebraic approach to quantization constitutes the best lever to extend quantum field theory (QFT) to curved backgrounds, provided that it is possible to set up a meaningful initial value problem for the field equation. At the same time, a quantized field may have citizenship in spacetimes with boundary as well as in any other Lorentzian manifold. In such cases however, the formulation of the theory may require ad hoc solutions, since for most of boundary geometries a clear setting of an initial value problem is lacking. One is thus challenged with the question "is it still possible to find a paradigm for quantization?". In this talk we will analyze in idealized cases which, if any, are the minimal extensions of the algebraic approach to QFT on curved spacetimes to cover the case of bounded domains, looking for a deeper understanding of the reknown vacuum energy density, typical of Casimir effect.

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