
QF2 - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime


Pinamonti, Nicola


Drago, Nicolò; Hack, Thomas-Paul

Talk Title

The generalised principle of perturbative agreement and the thermal mass


The Principle of Perturbative Agreement, as introduced by Hollands and Wald, is a renormalisation condition in quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. This principle states that the perturbative and exact constructions of a field theoretic model given by the sum of a free and an exactly tractable interaction Lagrangean should agree. During this talk we shall present an alternative proof of the validity of this principle in the case of scalar fields and quadratic interactionsm in particular we shall show that, in the case of quadratic interactions, the composition of the inverse classical Möller map and the quantum Möller map is a contraction exponential of a particular type. Afterwards, we prove a generalisation of the Principle of Perturbative Agreement and show that considering a quadratic contribution of a general interaction either as part of the free theory or as part of the perturbation gives equivalent results. Motivated by the thermal mass idea, we use that obtained results to extend the construction of massive interacting thermal equilibrium states in Minkowski spacetime developed by Fredenhagen and Lindner to the massless case.

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