
QF2 - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime


Giacomini, Alex


Anabalon, Andres ; Canfora, Fabrizio ; Oliva, Julio

Talk Title

The Gribov problem in curved space-time


It is a well known fact that for non-Abelian gauge theories the gauge fixing is only locally well defined. This means that when the gauge potential is large with respect to a suitable norm, gauge fixing ambiguities appear which would imply an overcounting of states in the path integral. This fact is known in literatura as the Gribov problem. In order to avoid such an overcounting Gribov proposed to restrict the path integral to the region of the potential space which is free of ambiguities. The implementation of this procedure dramatically modifies the propagator of the gluon in the infrared which becomes suppressed. This fact suggests that the Gribov approach to path integral is a promising canditate for the explanation of the confiment problem. Up to now the overwhelming majority of research on this subject has been done in in flat space-time. Only very recently the gauge fixing problem on curved space-times has begun to attract the attention of the scientific community. The purpose of this talk is to show some of the effects of non-trivial space-time geometry on the gauge fixing problem and its physical implications for QCD, Abelian gauge theories, and for the gravitational degrees of freedom.

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