
QF2 - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime


Colosi, Daniele


Colosi, Daniele; Raetzel, Dennis

Talk Title

General Boundary Treatment Of The Unruh Effect


The general boundary formulation (GBF) of quantum theory has emerged as a new powerful tool to describe the dynamics of quantum fields. We present an analysis of the Unruh effect within the GBF and we underline the difficulty in identifying the Minkowski vacuum state with a superposition of multiparticle states defined in the double Rindler wedge. However, in contrast to this "global" version of the Unruh effect we show that a "local" version of it arises when comparing expectation values of Weyl observables quantized with the Feynman quantization prescription and with compact support on one of the Rindler wedges. Moreover no coincidence is obtained when the same observables are quantized according to the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization scheme. Finally, the quantum state in Rindler space responsible for the local Unruh effect results to be unique.

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