
QF2 - Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime


Hughes, Taylor


Taylor L. Hughes, Robert G. Leigh, and Onkar Parrikar

Talk Title

Torsional Anomalies, Hall viscosity, and Dislocation Defects in Fermionic Matter


We study the properties of a class of fermionic systems when coupled to electromagnetic and gravitational sources, including torsion and curvature. By using the technology of anomaly polynomials, we derive the parity-odd effective action of a massive Dirac fermion in d=2+1 and d=4+1, which provide simple model systems that realize fermion topological phases. We discuss the covariant anomalies of the corresponding boundary/domain-wall states, from a Callan-Harvey anomaly-inflow, as well as a Hamiltonian spectral flow point of view. We also discuss the applicability of our results to other systems such as chiral fermions. Finally, using dimensional reduction from d=4+1, we derive the effective action for a d=3+1 time-reversal invariant topological insulator in the presence of torsion and curvature, and discuss its various physical consequences including the properties in the presence of curvature and torsional defects.

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