
SF1-2 - (SF1) Strong (EM) Field Physics and Astrophysics - (SF2) Ground experiments and astrophysical observations in Strong Field Physics


Galtsov, Dmitry


Talk Title

Synchrotron radiation and pair creation of massless charges in magnetic field


Massless charged particles were never observed, one possible explanation coming from the conjecture that they do not radiate. Indeed, in classical electrodynamics their Lienard-Wiehert potentials diverge on a line of sought parallel to the velocity, and regulairzing this divergence, radiation is subtracted. In massless perturbative QED in vacuum the charge is screened by vacuum polarization and turns out to be vanishing in the classical limit, which agrees with the above classical argument. Meanwhile, in the non-pefturbative QED in the external magnetic field the situation is different since charges are never free, and the Landau spacing in some instances plays the role of an effective mass. We show that synchrotron radiation form massless charges within this framework is finite and purely quantum. Also finite is the probability of one-photon pair creaction. Thus, massless charges, if exist, can still be detected by their electromagnetic effects in strong magnetic fields.

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