
SF1-2 - (SF1) Strong (EM) Field Physics and Astrophysics - (SF2) Ground experiments and astrophysical observations in Strong Field Physics


Haghighat, Mansour


Haghighat, Mansour; Shakeri, Soroush

Talk Title

Generation of Circularly Polarized Radio Wave from Pulsars via photon-photon interaction


We consider the circular polarized radio wave from pulsars. Generation of the circularly polarized radiation from pulsars can be explained by considering the environmental effects, such as the asymmetry between the densities of opposite charges in the magnetosphere, on the propagation of linear polarized radio wave. Here, we would like to examine the impact of the photon-photon interaction on conversion of the linearly polarized radio waves of pulsars to circularly polarized one. We show that depending on the magnetic field such an interaction can generate circular polarization from the linear one.

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