
DE2 - Inhomogeneous Cosmology


Eingorn, Maksym


Talk Title

Discrete cosmology: scalar perturbations in the conventional model and its extensions


Presenting nonrelativistic matter sources of scalar cosmological perturbations at late stages of the Universe evolution in the form of separate point-like particles, we develop discrete cosmology in the frameworks of the conventional LambdaCDM model and its various extensions (including models with dark sector interactions, nonlinear f(R) gravity, or relic quark gluon plasma). The observable inhomogeneous Universe is described in the first order approximation with respect to its deviation from the averaged homogeneous FLRW one, and we concentrate on finding the gravitational potentials of inhomogeneities (galaxies). This description of scalar perturbations is sensitive to the composition of the Universe. Thus, we demonstrate that different cosmological models are screened powerfully by discrete cosmology methods.

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