
DE2 - Inhomogeneous Cosmology


Bester, Hertzog


Bester Hertzog L.; Larena Julien; Bishop Nigel T.

Talk Title

Towards the geometry of the universe from data


We present a new algorithm that can reconstruct the full distributions of metric components within the class of spherically symmetric dust universes that may include a cosmological constant. The algorithm is capable of confronting this class of solutions with arbitrary data and opens a new observational window to determine the value of the cosmological constant. In this work we use luminosity and age data to constrain the geometry of the universe up to a redshift of $z = 1.75$. We show that, although current data are perfectly compatible with homogeneous models of the universe, simple radially inhomogeneous void models that are sometimes used as alternative explanations for the apparent acceleration of the late time universe cannot yet be ruled out. In doing so we reconstruct the density of cold dark matter out to $z = 1.75$ and derive constraints on the metric components when the universe was 10.5 Gyr old within a comoving distance of approximately 1 Gpc.

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