
DE2 - Inhomogeneous Cosmology


Bishop, Nigel


Bester, Landman; Larena, Julien

Talk Title

The Characteristic Formalism: Cosmology Constructed from Observational Data


The characteristic formalism uses outgoing null cones to define coordinates, and is well-developed in numerical relativity for gravitational wave extraction. The formalism is well-suited to cosmology, since cosmological data is observed on past null cones. In the case of spherical symmetry, density and radial velocity data on an initial null cone define a well-posed evolution problem leading to the past behaviour of the universe. Observationally, the data can be obatined from galactic number counts or age data, and the distance red-shift relation. When red-shift drift data becomes available, constraints on the theory of gravity, such as the cosmological constant, will become feasible.

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