
BN5 - Self-forces and small-mass-ratio binaries


Le Tiec, Alexandre


Talk Title

Orbital dynamics of eccentric compact binaries


Eccentric inspirals with extreme mass ratios are promising sources for a future mHz-band gravitational-wave antenna in space, such as the proposed eLISA mission. Moreover, although most stellar-mass compact binaries would have completely circularized by the time they enter the observable frequency band of ground-based detectors, there are scenarios where eccentricity effects could become observable and give access to much interesting physics. In this talk, I will discuss a "first law of mechanics" for binary systems of compact objects moving along generic stable bound (eccentric) orbits. Together with gravitational self-force calculations of a certain orbital-averaged quantity that generalizes Detweiler's redshift invariant, this first law can be used to inform post-Newtonian theory and the effective one-body model for eccentric-orbit compact binaries.

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