
BN4 - End of white dwarfs and type Ia Supernova


Garcia-Berro, Enrique


Lorén-Aguilar, Pablo

Talk Title

White Dwarf Dynamical Interactions


Despite their importance, we still do not know exactly which stellar systems produce Type Ia supernovae. However, we do know the physical mechanism that powers the explosion. Type Ia supernovae originate from the explosion of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. It has long been suggested that a white dwarf in a binary system --- with either another white dwarf, through the so-called double-degenerate channel, or a main-sequence or red giant companion through the single-degenerate channel --- could give rise to a Type Ia supernova event. Observational evidence favors the double-degenerate channel, but significant discrepancies exist between observations and theory. I describe the several scenarios which involve interacting white dwarfs, like the double-degenerate, the core-degenerate and the white dwarf collision scenarios.

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