
BN4 - End of white dwarfs and type Ia Supernova


Terada, Yukikatsu


Keiichi Maeda: Yasushi Fukazawa: Aya Bamba: Teruaki. Enoto: Satoru Katsuda: Toru Tamagawa: Tadayuki Takahashi

Talk Title

Soft gamma-ray Continuum Emission from SN2014J with Suzaku Hard X-ray Detector


First detection of 56Co gamma-ray lines has been achieved by the INTEGRAL satellite from the recent nearby type Ia Supernova, SN2014J (Churazov 14, Diehl 14). The ratio between 56 Co lines and continuum emissions carries important information to distinguish explosion models for type Ia supernovae as a standard candle for the present cosmology measurements. Search for the soft gamma-ray continuum emission has been performed by the hard X-ray detector (HXD) onboard the X-ray satellite Suzaku at about 80 days after the explosion. As a result, a soft gamma-ray emission at the 10^-4 photons / cm2 / s / keV level was successfully detected at 200 to 460 keV band after an extraction of Cosmic X-ray background component in the field of view. Due to the systematic errors in estimation of non-X-ray background, the data could not distinguish the single and double degenerated models.

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