
BN4 - End of white dwarfs and type Ia Supernova


Diehl, Roland


Siegert, Thomas; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang; Greiner, Jochen; Krause, Martin; Maeda, Keiichi; Röpke, Friedrich K.; Sim, Stuart A.; Wang, Wei; Xiaoling, Zhang

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Gamma-Rays from SN2014J and their Implications for Type Ia Supernovae


Gamma-ray lines from radioactive decay of 56Ni and its decay chain, produced by SNIa explosive nucleosynthesis, have been measured with ESA’s INTEGRAL space mission and its gamma-ray spectrometer SPI for the first time. The main characteristic decay lines from 56Co at 847 and 1238 keV appear broadened, and confirm our basic understanding of Type Ia supernovae with a production of 0.5 solar masses of 56Ni. But their appearance as the supernova dilutes are less smooth than expected, and indicates 3D and possibly filamentary structure of the exploding debris. Moreover, the surprising detection of 56Ni decay gamma-rays 20 days after the explosion suggests some 56Ni near the surface of the explosion, and may point to an initial pre-explosion, then also pointing to a special pre-explosive accretion setting. We discuss how these indications fit into the current understanding of the variety of supernova Type Ia explosion models and data from other astronomical windows at lower energies.

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