
BN4 - End of white dwarfs and type Ia Supernova


Nomoto, Ken'ichi


Talk Title

Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae in the Single Degenerate Scenario


I will present the evolution of uniformly rotating, mass-accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in the single degenerate scenario for Type Ia supernovae. For certain binary parameters, the WD increases its mass through the "effective" Chandrasekhar mass of the uniformly rotating WD, M(Ch, rot) and undergoes "prompt" carbon ignition. For nearby binary parameters, the WD mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar mass of the non-rotating WD but does not reach M(Ch, rot). Such a WD undergoes the evolution with angular momentum loss and "delayed" carbon ignition. During such a delay time, the companion evolves to become a He WD. Thus the missing companion problem of some Type Ia supernovae can be reconciled.

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