
QF3 - Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory


Martinetti, Pierre


A. Devastato; F. Lizzi

Talk Title

Twisted spectral triple and the standard model of elementary particles


Noncommutative Geometry provides a generalization of Riemannian geometry in which the Standard Model of elementary particles is obtained as a pure gravitational theory. It gives a way to compute the mass of the Higgs boson, which is obtained as a connection 1-form living on the noncommutative part of the geometry. The recent discovery of a 126 GeV Higgs boson yielded some particle physicist to postulate the existence of another scalar field, in order to avoid some instability in the Standard Model. We will show how to generate this new field in the noncommutative geometry framework, by twisting (in the sense of Connes, Moscovici), the spectral triple of the standard model. We will generalize the construction to arbitrary spectral triples, and show how the model recently developed in collaboration with Devastato and Lizzi is one of the few possible twists of the standard model.

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