
QF3 - Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory


Morsella, Gerardo


Guido, Daniele, Marotta, Nunzia, Suriano, Luca

Talk Title

A Quantum Distance between von Neumann Algebras and Applications to Quantum Field Theory


I will present a notion of distance between von Neumann algebras endowed with suitable Lipschitz (semi-)norms, i.e., norms inducing the sigma-weak topology on bounded subsets. This can be seen as a dual version of the distance between C*-algebras introduced by M. Rieffel as a quantum analogue of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between metric spaces. As an example, I will discuss the convergence of the local von Neumann algebras of the free scalar quantum field of mass m, as m tends to 0.

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