
PT6 - Dynamics of extended test objects -- equations of motion and their solution


Jefremov, Pavel


Tsupko, Oleg Yu.; Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady S.

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Spin-Induced Changes In The Parameters Of ISCO In Kerr Spacetime


We consider the motion of classical spinning test particles in Kerr metric and investigate innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO). The main goal of this work is to find analytically the small-spin corrections for the parameters of ISCO (radius, total angular momentum, energy, orbital angular frequency) of spinning test particles in the case of vectors of black hole spin, particle spin and orbital angular momentum being collinear to each other. We analytically derive the small-spin linear corrections for arbitrary Kerr parameter $a$. The cases of Schwarzschild, slowly rotating and extreme Kerr black hole are considered in details. For a slowly rotating black hole the ISCO parameters are obtained up to quadratic in $a$ and particle's spin $s$ terms. For the case of the extreme Kerr black hole with co-rotating particle we succeed to find the exact (on spin) analytical solution for the limiting ISCO parameters. It has been shown that the limiting values of ISCO radius and angular frequency do not depend on the particle's spin while values of energy and total angular momentum depend on it.

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