
PT6 - Dynamics of extended test objects -- equations of motion and their solution


Kološ, Martin


Stuchlik, Z.

Talk Title

Sting loops testing properties of branewold compact objects


Infinitesimally thin toroidal structures modelled by current-carrying string loops are studied. The axisymmetric string loops moving along the symmetry axis of a black hole could in a simplified way represent magnetized plasma that exhibits associated string-like behaviour. We study the motion in the field of braneworld compact object (black holes or naked singularities). The dynamics of the linear 1D test string loop in the Kerr spacetime and its stable equilibrium positions are examined. Conversion of the energy of the string oscillations to the energy of the linear translational motion is discussed as such a transmutation effect can potentially represent acceleration of jets in active galactic nuclei and microquasars. The model of string loop oscillations around a stable equilibrium position in the Kerr background is applied to explain the special set of frequencies related to the high-frequency quasiperiodic oscillations

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