
PT6 - Dynamics of extended test objects -- equations of motion and their solution


Laemmerzahl, Claus


E. Hackmann, Y,N. Obukhov, D. Puetzfeld, I. Schaffer

Talk Title

Analytic solution of spining particle motion in Kerr space-time


The motion of spinning test bodies in General Relativity is analyzed. By means of a multipolar approximation method for extended test bodies we derive the equations of motion. We specify the motion of the spinning pole-dipole particle to lie in the equatorial plane of a Kerr black hole geometry and completely classify the orbital motion. The analytic solution for this kind of motion is presented. An exact expression for the periastron shift of a spinning test body is given. Implications of test body spin corrections are studied and compared with the results obtained by means of other approximation schemes.

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