
EU2 - Quantum Fields


Ashtekar, Abhay


Talk Title

Singularity resolution in Loop Quantum Cosmology


Quantum Riemannian geometry underlying Loop Quantum Gravity modifies the geometrical left hand side of Einstein's equations. While these modifications are completely negligible if the space-time curvature is below a thousandth of the Planck curvature, they increase extremely rapidly in the Planck regime. The net effect is a repulsive force that overwhelms the classical attraction and naturally leads to a resolution of cosmological singularities. This effect has been analyzed using Hamiltonian, path integral and decoherent histories approach. In cosmological models, all strong curvature singularities are resolved, including those in the Bianchi space-times. In view of the Belinskii-Lifshitz-Khalatnikov conjecture in classical general relativity, this is an indication that the quantum geometry effects underlying Loop Quantum Gravity may resolve all spacelike singularities of general relativity.

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