
BH6 - Regular and Analogue Black Holes


Carneiro da Cunha, Bruno


Novaes, Fabio; Carneiro da Cunha, Bruno

Talk Title

Isomonodromy, Painlevé Transcendents and Scattering off of Black Holes


Isomonodromy, Painlevé Transcendents and Scattering of Black Holes We summarise recent developments in obtaining analytical expressions for the scattering coefficients of Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter black holes, using the isomonodromy method. These have a lot in common with the theory of Painlevé transcendents and integrable structures, and physically with recent developments in conformal field theories. We are able to derive implicit expressions in terms of Painlevé V and VI tau functions and more amenable analytical expressions in the near-extremal case.

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