
BH6 - Regular and Analogue Black Holes




Padmanabhan T.

Talk Title

QFT on curved spacetime with non vacuum states : Implications for Hawking radiation


We present a general formalism describing characterization of an arbitrary inertial state for a quantum field on arbitrary space-time. We demonstrate the technique for Rindler observers. This has a direct implication for spectrum of Hawking radiation from black holes. We show that any arbitrary in-state will always have a thermal component with additional contributions arising from the non-vacuum nature of the in-state. We classify the nature of the additional contributions in terms of functions characterizing the in-state. The complete information about the in-state is generally not encoded in the resulting Hawking radiation and hence is non-retrievable. However, we identify a class of in-states capable of doing so. We show that for a large class of in-states, some particular observables on the initial Hilbert space generically get fixed from the resulting spectrum. We also show that for some special class of states, some other interesting quantities can also be obtained. We argue that a semi-classical collapse scenario forgets about this richness of information in the resulting spectrum and a consistent full quantum treatment is warranted. [Ref: Phys.Rev. D 91 (2015) 4, 044002]

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