
BH6 - Regular and Analogue Black Holes


Lee, Da-Shin


Talk Title

The Role of Causality in Tunable Fermi Gas Condensates: From Creation of Vortices to Analog Model of FRW Universes


We explore possible analogies between the non-equilibrium early universe and cold laboratory condensates whose speed of sound can be tuned by means of an external field, by examining the role that causality plays in each. In the first instance, the creation of causal horizons when a system undergoes rapid changes can lead to the creation of defects e.g. cosmic strings and monopoles in the early universe. We see to what extent this can be mimicked in condensates by the spontaneous creation of vortices in a field ramp. Secondly, by examining the phonon geodesics in the acoustic metric we can look for spontaneous phonon creation that mimics spontaneous particle creation in curved space-time in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes.

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